My Favorite House
If ever I've had a dream home, this one was it. It was my Victorian that we built in 1988. We patterned it after Sara's Bed & Breakfast in Houston. The lady who owned the B&B (not sure if she still does) was so nice. We were there with our contractor looking around and she gave us paint samples, wall paper swatches and just helped us so much.
When we were building the house people would stop and asked us how we had moved the house into the subdivision because of the restrictions. They all thought it was an old house that had been moved in. Isn't that neat?
Anyway, we lived there 2 years before selling it and moving to Texas. That was not a good move for me but it's been 16 years ago and I've gotten over it.
Time to pack up the hotel room and hit the road early in the morning. I've already said goodbye to my niece and her family and once the tears start rolling, it's hard to stop them. We'll go by mom & dad's again in the morning before leaving. By the time we get to Baton Rouge tomorrow, I'll probably be finished crying. Mom and dad are coming for Chad's graduation so it will only be about 6 weeks til I see them again and if I'm lucky, we'll be back here in the summer . .
The house is absolutely gorgeous! I've gotten so used to no yards out here that I'm always taken aback when I see houses that do have them!
Cry all you want to, sweetie! Sometimes that's the only thing that helps!
Have a safe trip back to KY. Will be thinking of you in your travels. (((HUGS)))
Vicky, at 3/30/2006 06:56:00 PM
oh, your week flew by! what a dream! glad you had such a great time...sorry you didn't have longer to stay.
Cher, at 3/31/2006 12:50:00 AM
That was a nice house.... Chad's graduation - Isn't that music to your ears! travel safe!
The Calico Cat, at 3/31/2006 04:38:00 AM
Judy, your dream house is wonderful! I am sorry you had to leave it only 2 years later.
If Vincent is like Ed he will comfort you as you let those tears fall, for me it is never easy leaving family, I cry always whenever I leave any family and close friends. I have not seen my bestest of all bestest friends in 2 years and I am crying NOW with anticipation of seeing her... knowing she and I will take our red eyed runny nose parting pictures of 2006 to add to our red eyed runny nose parting pics of years's tradition!!!
Pam, at 3/31/2006 06:23:00 AM
That home is beautful, no wonder you were sad to leave it.
Laurie Ann, at 3/31/2006 09:22:00 AM
What a fabulous house ! Looks straight out of a magazine.
Have a safe trip home
Patty, at 3/31/2006 01:01:00 PM
Okay, you would of had to drag me from that house kicking and screaming!!!
Unknown, at 3/31/2006 08:30:00 PM
What a beautiful house - it must have been difficult to leave it after only 2 years.
Hope you got a good night sleep and the rest of your trip went quickly. We did a road trip thru Florida in January and were gone for 10 days - I was SO happy to get home after all the driving and changing hotels.
Mary Johnson, at 3/31/2006 08:52:00 PM
Wow! I can see why you didn't want to move from that house! It is beautiful! I would love a house like that! And I checked out the B&B - gorgeous house there too!
Quilts And Pieces, at 4/05/2006 05:45:00 AM
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