Traveling Wears Me Out
Poor Norm! He's so tired . . he's turning in early tonight!
It wasn't enough that I got to bed at midnight and had to get up at 5 a.m. so we could leave at 6, but my neighbor decided to do something that involved a visit from Owensboro's finest (the POLICE!) not once but twice between 1 and 2 a.m. Those police cars sound like airplanes sitting in the street with their motors running and the conversations got a bit loud so we were all awake. I'll admit to trying to hear what was being said but couldn't quite make it out. Wonder what time she got up! I'm betting she got way more sleep than I did!
We drove to Jackson, MS and will spend the night here, then head to Louisiana tomorrow.
Judy L.
Happy traveling to you and your family, Judy!!! We'll miss you!
Darcie, at 3/23/2006 05:24:00 PM
Oh, wow, you're getting close to Louisiana if you're in Jackson!
Judy, have fun! A LOT of fun! Give Mom & Dad a hug from me, and think of your poor old friend when you're chowing down on the good stuff!
Love you!
Vicky, at 3/23/2006 06:06:00 PM
glad you were able to get away...have a wonderful time!
Cher, at 3/23/2006 06:58:00 PM
Glad to hear you are safely on your way. Keep it safe and have lots of FUN!! Sorry about the poor night's sleep...NEIGHBORS! HARUMPH!
Laurie, at 3/23/2006 07:11:00 PM
Norm looks quite comfy ! Have fun and enjoy each moment.
What a shame you couldn't hear what was going on next door, would have made the whole noise part worth while : )
Patty, at 3/23/2006 08:41:00 PM
Have a great trip!
Deb Geyer, at 3/24/2006 05:29:00 AM
Glad norm got some rest, hope you did too!
Anonymous, at 3/24/2006 07:59:00 AM
Hope Norm can see out the car window, don't want him missing where he has been!
Pam, at 3/24/2006 11:40:00 AM
Why is traveling so exhausting? we just sit, for the most part, but I agree with you- it wears me out!! Have a great time!
Nines, at 3/24/2006 02:28:00 PM
*LOL* this whole norm thing is cracking me up...I feel like I'm watching the travelocity commercials or something :c) Have a great time!
Bonnie K. Hunter, at 3/24/2006 03:06:00 PM
Hope your vacation is fabulous!
Joanne, at 3/24/2006 04:11:00 PM
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