More Best Friends
Lest you think I have few best friends, this photo should put your mind at ease. There are others I'm sure but these are the ones that were easy to find. I love the gold ones. They are so sharp, nice and long and the point is fine. I usually just use the tip to pull the threads out and rarely use the sharp part in the curve.
Sunday night I stayed up til 2 a.m. trying to finish piecing the Christmas quilt that is on my January Goals. Got it finished, went to bed, slept til 6 . . not enough sleep for an old woman! :)
Yesterday I was quilting it and there was a lot of stitch in the ditch using black thread with ecru fabric right next to it. Stitch in the ditch isn't "hard" but very tedious with the longarm. Going up and down or left and right is easier than going on the diagonal. Most of what I was doing was diagonal and I kept hitting that ecru fabric with the black thread. It was a combination of being tired, being in a hurry and getting exasperated with myself.
This is a quilt that will be in the projects issue of American Quilter so, for now, I'm not going to share a picture of the front but here's a part of the back. I love the back when the quilting shows!
So, when you've had 2 days like I've had, what's a girl to do? Go shopping, of course! I talked to my friend at the LQS last night and she had some quilts she needs quilting that she wants to take with her to a show at the end of February, DH is out of town and wouldn't be coming home for lunch so I decided to make a run to Indiana this morning. The LQS owner is such a swell buddy . . she met me there an hour early so I could get my shopping done without having to deal with other customers. Not sure if she was being nice to me or the other customers! :)
This really doesn't count as adding to the stash because this is for three quilts and I needed something besides what I have in my stash. Obviously, this explanation makes no sense to anyone else but . . I believe it and that's enough for me!
So, 40 yards of fabric for three quilts. This will not go to the fabric closet. I'm starting work on one of the quilts when I finish typing this.
Still waiting on the backing fabric for my uncle's quilt. UPS says it will be here today so . . the longarm is patiently waiting!
I can't wait to see what you make from these lovely fabrics !! You did a good choice Judy
Lucy, at 1/31/2006 12:04:00 PM
I'm chuckling both at all the seam rippers, and at the new fabric that doesn't count! [Just teasing] :)
Jeanne, at 1/31/2006 12:37:00 PM
You have WAY more rippers than one needs! ;) The fabrics are gorgeous and the back of the Christmas quilt is stunning as always! Good job and I'm glad you got out for a bit!
Laurie, at 1/31/2006 12:51:00 PM
You have so many " best friends "
The quilting is so beautiful, can't wait to see the front.
Shopping does make a girl feel so much better, I agree.
Patty, at 1/31/2006 04:30:00 PM
Thanks for the great chuckle - loved your picture! I would love to have a "friend" like your gold ones but have never seen them anywhere. Are they available online?
As always your quilting is fabulous. I want to be you when I grow up! My machine is just sitting there right now - have no time to quilt - I hope I've not forgotten how!
Patti, at 1/31/2006 06:11:00 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing the fronts of these quilts you're teasing us with.
I HATE stitching in the ditch with the longarm and usually manage to avoid it. I'm sure you are much better at it than I am.
Mary Johnson, at 1/31/2006 06:58:00 PM
The fabric all looks great, but I am partial to the last group. I LOVE red!
Unknown, at 1/31/2006 07:56:00 PM
Wow, your quilting is gorgeous! I can't wait to see the front
Laura, at 2/01/2006 09:46:00 AM
You said they don't count... right, we understand! :-)
I hope I can do quilting on my longarm as nice as yours some day!
Deb Geyer, at 2/01/2006 12:38:00 PM
I can't wait to see what the front of the quilt looks like! Make sure you tell us when it is out! I got to go shopping for fabrics today too! It felt so good to finally do something quilty! And I"m so glad to find some time to catch up with everyone!
Quilts And Pieces, at 2/04/2006 08:28:00 PM
Your quilting is beautiful. How exciting to have your work featured in such a fine magazine. I really think it's the best quilt magazine.
Kay, at 2/07/2006 04:56:00 PM
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