Deviation from the Plan
I've been doing really good about staying on track and getting my monthly quilting goals accomplished. Getting the Baptist Fan template threw me off a little because I quilted three of my own quilts this weekend. One was a practice quilt that is to be donated to the Mission of Hope project. Then, I decided to do that not so pretty green/red/blue quilt just to get a little more practice. By this time, I was loving doing the fans and decided to quilt one of my own quilts. I'll show you a picture once the binding is done.
The only thing remaining on my January "to do list" is the Christmas quilt so yesterday I began working on that. Got the whole quilt cut out, and just a little sewing done. Today I had hoped to get all the blocks done.
Each morning I have my quiet time and this morning, the thought popped into my little head to make a quilt for my uncle who just lost his grandson. There was really no time for that today and I kinda quickly tried to think of whether I had anything already made I could send him. Certainly not that ugly green/red/blue quilt. Mostly everything I have isn't quilted is kinda feminine. But while I was sewing, I kept thinking I should send him a quilt.
My uncle had owned a Gulf service station in Shreveport forever! I went searching for fabric that might have gas pumps or something along those lines. Of course, I found it! :) Big Horn Quilts had the perfect fabric.
I now have the perfect backing so what will I make for a top? Then I remembered when I was working on the Carmel Court pattern, I had cut out another red/white and black quilt. Found the project neatly tucked away and this is what I had. Thank goodness all the little 3" nine patches were made, all the half square triangles were made but not trimmed and most of the little rail blocks were made so I was off to a very good start.
Spent the rest of the afternoon and into the evening getting all the blocks put together and the rest of the rows made. Got to the borders and no fabric left over except for the white with the red squiggles and a few of the red/black half square triangles. Went digging through the stash and came up with the black with white dots. The borders are done, the binding will be the solid red which is a batik.
Hopefully the backing fabric will arrive Friday but I'm betting it will be Monday. Then I'll quilt this and get it in the mail.
Tomorrow . . back to the Christmas quilt!
That turned really nice. I can't believe you put that all togeather in one day. I know your uncle will love and treasure such a great gift.
dot, at 1/24/2006 07:54:00 PM
this is a lovely quilt for your Uncle and what a lovely way to use up a UFO
Love Jan Mac
Jan Mac, at 1/24/2006 08:01:00 PM
Just goes to show its not all bad to have UFO's sitting around. I'm sure your uncle will appreciate the gift.
Mary Johnson, at 1/24/2006 09:00:00 PM
this is such a nice thing for you to for your uncle.
He will treasure this quilt I am sure. the backing fabric you found is perfect!
And to think you can now cross that ufo off your list! congrats on getting almost all your goals for Jan done. Something I ought to consider start doing...setting monthly goals.
antique quilter, at 1/25/2006 02:06:00 AM
Judy, it's so thoughtful of you to make this for your uncle. I'm sure he'll treasure it. It's beautiful.
Carolyn, at 1/25/2006 05:05:00 AM
Judy, just amaze me! You do the BEST borders EVER!!! Your uncle will treasure this quilt forever! Your generous heart has once again shone thru!
Laurie, at 1/25/2006 05:35:00 AM
Oh Judy this is sooo cute! And so perfect with the backing fabric you found! What a perfect gift! And it ended up falling together all so perfectly! I love that bakcing fabric!
Quilts And Pieces, at 1/25/2006 05:59:00 AM
Wow what a nice quilt... & nicely done too! (I think that will be appreciated for a long time to come.)
The Calico Cat, at 1/25/2006 07:16:00 AM
Plans are meant to be deviated from aren't they? I love the border you put on, balanced, but not simply a frame the same everywhere. It really helps me to appreciate the "all over pattern" of the quilt itself. And I LOVE the backing fabric you've ordered. I'm sure your thoughtfulness will be appreciated.
quiltpixie, at 1/25/2006 07:25:00 AM
All those things were just there waiting for an event like this to happen. It's a sad thing, but this is such a "comfort" for you to do and it will be the same for your uncle too.
Quiltgranny, at 1/25/2006 07:30:00 AM
Wow, that was fast! I love it and so will your uncle. Fabulous!
Laurie Ann, at 1/25/2006 09:29:00 AM
Wow, you are quick! It looks great and he will love it. What a wonderful gift.
Laura, at 1/25/2006 09:37:00 AM
Your uncle will love that quilt. That gas station fabric is perfect.
You work so fast, I am amazed at how much you get done in such a short time.
Patty, at 1/25/2006 10:42:00 AM
It is wonderful, Judy!
Deb Geyer, at 1/25/2006 11:38:00 AM
lovely quilt, perfect backing and speedy to boot! I really like how you followed through so quickly on your desire to do a quilt for your uncle-a very comforting gesture.
Cher, at 1/25/2006 12:20:00 PM
what a lovely off-track project! I'm sorry for your uncle's loss...
Anonymous, at 1/25/2006 02:29:00 PM
Funny while strolling the fabric store during my lunch hour, I saw a piece fo your backing fabric in the remnant bin.... "There's Judy's fabric!" :o)
I persevered and did not buy anything! YIPPEE!
The Calico Cat, at 1/26/2006 04:55:00 AM
Judy - great quilt and I am sure your Uncle will like it. The backing fabric is just perfect - theme fabrics are so fun to tie into a persons personality.
Good luck with the Christmas project.
Evelyn aka Starfishy, at 1/26/2006 10:06:00 AM
Judy you are amazing! It takes me an entire day to cut out and piece a little quilt of about 24"x24"! LOL
That's darling by the way, your uncle will love it!
Anonymous, at 1/26/2006 03:06:00 PM
A perfect background fabric for a perfect gift. He'll treasure it.
Holly, at 1/26/2006 03:14:00 PM
Your thoughtfulness outweighs the quilt and the quilt is way above par. It is a wonderfully handsome quilt just right for a man. Very nice, Judy!
Debra Dixon, at 1/26/2006 06:12:00 PM
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