Accidental Stash Enhancement
See that little almost white strip in the middle? I had a few yards of it. It's Benartex Style 933 by Susan Winget. I had a block that I needed to test for a magazine submission. I made one block, then decided to make four blocks to see how the block looked in a setting. Hey . . I like it a lot! I'll just keep making blocks! Working without a pattern, I had no idea how much fabric I would need and since I also had no instructions, I cut a few pieces wrong and first thing I knew, I didn't have enough fabric to finish. This all happened before I went to Louisiana. I got on and found what I thought was the same fabric. Those little sample pictures just aren't very good sometimes. I ordered the one on the bottom (5 yards) which is obviously too gold but in the picture I saw, it looked like it matched. Then, as I kept looking at, I found the one on top. I thought to myself . . I think I just ordered the wrong color so I ordered 5 yards of the lighter one. Different shop of course! They both arrived while I was gone .. both are wrong! I'll use them for something else. Got back on and found what I hope is the right color (I think it's vanilla!) Ordered 5 yards from Big Horn. My credit card wasn't charged for a few days so I figured they didn't have it. Ordered 5 more yards last night from an online shop. Today, my credit card was charged by Big Horn so I guess I'll have 10 yards coming of the right fabric, and 10 yards of the wrong fabric.
The brown on the right is a Michael Miller Krystal that is also in the quilt and I was afraid I'd run short on it so I ordered more of it and thankfully, it's the right fabric.
I mentioned here that my dad had asked me to make a quilt for the wrecker guy's wife and I will but I figured I'd also make a quilt for the guy too. I know him and I don't know his wife and he was really the one who helped dad so much through all this. I found this fabric for the backing. Isn't it perfect? And, it was on sale for about $3.50 yard . . Michael Miller fabric . . what a deal!
If you've read my blog for any amount of time, you know that I hate shopping. I don't mind shopping for groceries and fabric but otherwise, I detest shopping. There was a time in my previous life when I lived to shop. It used to aggravate me that the mall didn't open til 10 a.m. I wanted to be there at 8! I don't know if my husband likes to shop or likes to torture me but he loves to walk through stores . . just looking for nothing! He's just a bit of a penny pincher too so I figured the best thing I could do to break him of dragging me through stores was to find something I want in every store and when he had to pay for all this stuff I didn't need, he'd stop taking me shopping. So far, my plan is not working so well.
Today he offered to take me to lunch at Olive Garden. Sounded good. But he forgot to mention that we were going to Home Depot. I needed a light fixture because the one in my laundry room wasn't working. Got that but we had to look at everything else in the store. Went to eat. Then he needed to go to Sam's. I couldn't think of a single thing in there that I needed that wouldn't be in my way if I bought it so I followed him around like a puppy. Then he needed to go to Target. I was tempted to pick up a new speaker system for my Ipod. I have the Bose system but it's in my quilting room. I need something in the front part of the house but the cheapest one I saw was $150 and after all the money I just spent on the trip to Louisiana (flights, rental car, clothes), I figured I really wasn't going to spend another $150 just to aggravate him. I did buy some plastic clothes hangers and a clip on lamp for the longarm. Ahhhhh .. then he decided to go to the shoe store. A girl can't have enough shoes, right? I found these two pair .. aren't they cute? The black ones are so comfortable and the brown ones are leather and will be great to wear with jeans or a jumper this fall. I've even told him what I'm doing and he still takes me shopping. Maybe next time, I'll go straight to the jewelry store and try on huge diamond rings. I'll bet that works!!!
Judy L.
wow, that is quite a different variance in color. You probably will find a use for the "wrong" one somewhere along the line but 10 yards extra---am I reading that right?
Linda C, at 7/27/2006 02:58:00 PM
Sounds like there is a lot of quilting in your future. All the colors are great even if they don't match. I am sure they will match something.
Joyce, at 7/27/2006 02:59:00 PM
Amazing how those fabrics made their way into your stash! They seem like quite serviceable neutrals so I am sure you will make good use of them in the future. *VBG*
Silverthimble, at 7/27/2006 03:10:00 PM
that wrecker fabric is perfect for what you are going to be working on.
Its fun to shop with a man who doesn't mind spoiling his gal !
Do head to the jewelry store next though : )
Patty, at 7/27/2006 03:15:00 PM
You made me laugh! Good post, Judy.
Bonnie, at 7/27/2006 03:16:00 PM
I agree with you on shopping even though I even hate going for groceries. I wish we could just take a pill to satisfy our hunger. My husband looks at me and says, oh my! its time to get you home, you have the dazed look about you. I like the wrecker fabric. What a great find. One can never have to many shoes. Good luch using up all the other fabric. You will find a use.
dot, at 7/27/2006 03:25:00 PM
Well at least the excess new stash are nice neutrals and will make good backgrounds for another project.
I hate to shop to. At least in stores. I don't seem to haven any problem doing stash enhancement online. :-)
Nancy, at 7/27/2006 07:23:00 PM
I hope you find good use for the extra fabric. Backings comes to mind :-)
The truck fabric is wonderful for the planned quilt.
Diamonds - hmmm - sounds like a very good plan ;-)
Hanne, at 7/28/2006 03:30:00 AM
The wrecker fabric looks perfect for the quilt you're using it for.
I hate shopping too. DH says I have tunnel vision when I go into a store-I make a beeline for what I'm looking for and head straight to the cashier, no looking around at all. And I hate fitting rooms with a passion.
I like all the colors you bought. They'll get used, I'm sure. Next time you are looking for something, try Cricket Lomicka's new shop-Mill Girl Quilts. They have a nice online site.
Eileen, at 7/28/2006 04:17:00 AM
You are too funny!
I have an ipod question: all of those books that you are buying to listen to - what happens to them once you are done? Do they live on your ipod forever? do you delete them? How the heck does that work?
The Calico Cat, at 7/28/2006 05:58:00 AM
Wow, I am like you. I can do a quick list grocery run and I could buy fabric all day...but the other stuff I hate to have to get. But what I hate most of all is browsing. NO WAY!!
Get in, grab it, get out!
Judy, at 7/28/2006 01:56:00 PM
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