The House & Ipods
Several have asked questions about the house and about the Ipod and downloading books. Here's a bit of info on all of it. I stole these pix off the realtor's web page. Hope I don't go to jail! :(
The first one is a picture of the outside, a bit closer than the last picture I put here. It isn't actually a real log home but it's some kind of log siding. They're like quarter logs (real wood) and each are screwed on individually. The guy has a bunch of extra ones in the shop so if we ever have damage, we can fix it. (I sound like we already own the house, huh?) Vince prefers this because you don't have to worry so much about it all settling and the beetles that had done so much damage to the other log home we looked at. The deck is so nice! It's probably 7 feet wide and goes all the way around the house. I can't really remember downstairs but I think those doors to the left are off a second family room and I think that "V" downstairs is in a bedroom. I'd probably put the longarm in that bedroom and put the sewing machine/cutting table in the downstairs family room. Downstairs are three bedrooms, the second family room, a bathroom and a really big laundry room. The mechanical room is there too and it's plenty big enough to have my backup pantry.
These pictures are probably going to get all jumbled up and I may end up talking about the Ipod next to a picture but you'll figure it all out.
Next is the kitchen. Pretty nice kitchen, huh? I wish it had a 6 burner gas stove and a double oven but it doesn't. The house also doesn't have a garage and since we'd build one, I want to have an outdoor kitchen with a gas stove and I can have a second oven there, as well as some kind of bread/stone lined oven. I love how the kitchen has two windows and lots of light, not to mention that what you don't see here is that the family room and dining room are all open to the kitchen and there are windows everywhere!
Next is the family room. It doesn't look big here but it's huge. I'm guessing it's probably 30 x 25 or maybe bigger. The door opens to the front deck and the lake is out front so looking out the window, you see what's in the next picture.
Last of the pictures is the shop. This is in part of the barn with a built in dust collection system for the woodworker in the family (Vince)! See how many windows this shop has!
All this on 13 acres!!
About the Ipod . . when I got it, I wasn't sure how much I would use it but I wanted something I could listen to while quilting. Something I could just stick in my pocket, use the head phones and longarm all day. When I called, they had a special and I could get two of the 60 GB Ipods for not much more than I had planned to pay for one that was maybe 20 GB. So I figured Chad would like one so I got him one, then I figured if I got one for me and one for Chad, Vince would feel left out so I ordered three. Want to guess which one has never been taken out of the box? I consider that my backup. Every now and then you buy a gadget and you wonder how you lived without it. That's how I feel about my Ipod. We've had them at least a year and a half and there's hardly a day that goes by that I don't use it and Chad uses his way more than I use mine and we've never had a moment's trouble with them. They're so easy to use . . I figured it out by myself. You can copy from all your own CD's to your Ipod or you can buy songs from Itunes for .99 each. They have a bunch of old songs, all the new songs. I really love the whole setup.
For the books on tape, I get those through I think I pay about $22.95 per month and I get 2 credits each month. Most books are 1 credit each. I can buy others for about $10 to $20 each. On the plan I'm on, if I don't order any books in one month, the credits carry over. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to think about books and I had 6 credits sitting in my account. Yesterday I downloaded Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. It's been years since I read that and I wanted to hear it all again. I also downloaded Cold Mountain on Tracey's suggestion and Love Rules just because it sounded good. I still have 3 credits left and will get 2 more for July soon. My taste in books is as diverse as my taste in music!
Any questions .. just let me know.
Tonight, I'm sewing on binding! I will sew it on at least 2 quilts tonight (just the machine part . . not the hand work.)
Judy L.
I can see why you can't walk away from this house. Its gorgeous.
quiltpixie, at 7/12/2006 07:36:00 PM
That house is amazing. I can see why you keep coming back to it. My husband would be beside himself with that workshop. Poor guy. We try to get him a good space every time we move and we never seem to be able to find a house we like with a workshop space for him. I think as soon as we have ourselves situated in the new house we will add on a barn and he can design his space the way he wants it.
tami, at 7/12/2006 07:43:00 PM
BTW, about downloadable books. You might check your local library. The one in the town where I work has converted books on tape to mp3 and lets cardholders download them.
tami, at 7/12/2006 07:48:00 PM
Hi Judy, thats the same siding the place Emery works for uses. They are planned down 4x4's or something and interestingly, they use the same bead board as in the pictures you shared on the inside.
Patty, at 7/12/2006 08:15:00 PM
Oh, gosh, that's beautiful! I can imagine your gorgeous quilts on the walls!
I'm going to keep my fingers crossed - I think this one has your name all over it!
Vicky, at 7/12/2006 09:17:00 PM
The house is beautiful! I get books on CD from library and convert to MP3 time consuming though!
Cathi, at 7/13/2006 12:24:00 AM
Oh my, Judy!!! Can we all come and live with you when you move in?? lol
What a beautiful house! Give it a lot of thought so that you're not kicking yourself about the decision years down the road.
I know right where I'd put the Christmas tree-that's how my mind works. (I go in someone's home and when I look around, I envision where I'd put the tree.)
I guess I'm behind the times. Both kids have MP3 players, but I still listen to the radio. I have cds, but I forget to play them.
Eileen, at 7/13/2006 03:59:00 AM
I would never be able to resist that house. I hope it all works out for you.
Joyce, at 7/13/2006 04:36:00 AM
Oh my goodnesss....that KITCHEN is GORGEOUS!! And I'm with Vicky...I can see SO many of your pretty quilts hanging in that home. I hope things work out for you and Vince.
I'm so glad that you are getting the book on CD. The author actually reads it and he does such a wonderful job I think. I got it when we were traveling to AZ last fall...all 12 hours of it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. :o)
Tracey, at 7/13/2006 05:26:00 AM
The house is wonderful... eben this tried and true heart-of-the-city girl thinks so!
I love Audible as well- my commute is long-ish and icky, and I love listening to books on the way to and from work.
Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 06:07:00 AM
Judy, no wonder you keep going back! This house is incredible...I hope it works out exactly the way you want it to!
Carolyn, at 7/13/2006 06:10:00 AM
The house is georgous.
Ipod: I bought my 15yr old one and he loves it. Bought a larger card and he's very satisfied. Haven't thought about buying myself one tho.
Saska, at 7/13/2006 07:10:00 AM
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Unknown, at 7/13/2006 07:13:00 AM
Lizzy said...
It's hard making that big decision. You should trust your feelings. Weigh out the houses good points and bad. I love the big open living room. And the house looks like it gets lots of light in side. Good luck with the house.
My husband and I are in the middle of a move right now. We looked at lots of houses. Sunday was open house day for 3 mounths. When we walked into the house we did buy I just felt relaxed. Like I could live here. We are downsizing so we can travel more and the house isn't so much work. So to find a house that didn't seem like I was giving up a lot was hard.
Unknown, at 7/13/2006 07:16:00 AM
The sunshine through the house seems so pretty. Is anybody else looking at it?
sewprimitive karen, at 7/13/2006 10:57:00 AM
I know what you mean about the Ipod. I just got a Nano and now I don't know what I did without it! I use it while working out and it is wonderful. I use Itunes for music and books though :)
Katrina, at 7/13/2006 02:08:00 PM
What a lovely house. I am holding my thumbs for you on the decision.
Hanne, at 7/13/2006 03:01:00 PM
Wow - the house is gorgeous. BTW - the logs can be treated with the stain/paint stuff that goes on the outside, for bugs. We only worry about carpenter ants here and make sure we get any that find there way to the house. We did have a friendly woodpecker the first couple of years! vbg
Joanne, at 7/13/2006 04:33:00 PM
Great house Judy...and I LOVE my Ipod. They travel so well. I also plug it in the car as CD's to travel with! WOOHOO!!
Laurie, at 7/13/2006 06:50:00 PM
WHEN you decide that you are going to make this house your home...can we all come down and help you house warm it, Judy?!?!? LOL
It is beautiful...and if houses can be called *smart*...this one is!
Best wishes on your decisions!
Darcie, at 7/13/2006 07:30:00 PM
I agree with all the other comments.the house seems like a dream house. My question is where did you get such a DEAL on your Ipods.....I keep thinking about one....Penny
Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 07:33:00 PM
MY DH bought me an iPod as a gift, thinking that I would be able to use the library's e-book program --but unfortunately it doesn't work for iPods! So, I check out books on CD and download them; it is a bit fussy, but I'm hooked. Check out all the great podcasts available for free, too, through iTunes.
floribunda, at 7/14/2006 10:44:00 AM
So... when are you moving in? :D
Thanks for the info about Ipods.
Unknown, at 7/14/2006 06:38:00 PM
I love my ipod too. I pop it in my pocket and just sew up a storm. Not on a longarm but just on my machine. No bother to the condo neighbors downstairs and I get to listen as loud as I want.
So did you take the house???
Judy, at 7/16/2006 10:15:00 AM
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