Weekends Go By Too Quickly
Why do weekends go by so quickly? You'd think since I don't work at a real job, every day would be about the same but that's not how it seems to me.
I haven't done a whole lot of anything this weekend . . the usual cooking and cleaning. Didn't leave the house all weekend, which is great! I had hoped to get a Christmas quilt cut out but didn't so that's definitely going to happen tomorrow. That quilt is the only thing left on my January Quilting "to do" list but it has to be pieced and quilted for me to meet my goals.
I did get some piecing done. I'm hosting a bi-montly block lotto on one of the online groups, The Quilting Post. That group also has a comfort quilt project we work on so I made 12 of the lotto blocks and put them together as a quilt for the project and to generate interest in the block lotto. I had been wanting the Baptist Fan template like Bonnie shared with us last week. I didn't realize they had come out with a smaller version so after seeing Bonnie's pictures, I ordered the BF template. I will save this quilt to practice the Baptist Fans. I also ordered the Ginkgo and Heartz templates. It's all being shipped from Canada on Tuesday so it will probably take at least a week for them to get here.
And, the above quilt is another stash quilt and I'll find stash fabric for the backing too.
I hope to finish quilting a BIG Trip Around the World quilt tonight. I'm doing that Divine Vine panto and it is taking forever!!
Judy L.
Pretty quilt top, Judy! Love the colors!
I feel the same about weekends. And I don't know about you...but I think we homebased business operators are misunderstood. I get remarks like: "You're so lucky...everyday must be like a weekend." The nerve!!! Or "I'm jealous...you get to work all day in your jammies." Yeah, right...that'd be gross! (Ugh!) Will we ever educate the whole world???
Have a great day, Judy. Hope you're doing what you love...wearing what you want to wear! ;-)
Darcie, at 1/16/2006 05:31:00 AM
I've been looking at that BF template too. I love the look of the fans. I like their clamshell template, so may have to add the BF to my collection!
I agree about the weekends. I never seem to accomplish what I need to get done because there are so many additional demands on my time. I also find it amusing how people who know I've gotten a job outside the home now make comments about my
having gotten a "real" job. People just don't understand when you work from home...especially when they want you to volunteer for things because after all, you're home all day! Very frustrating!
Carolyn, at 1/16/2006 06:02:00 AM
great quilt Judy. another good use of stash too. I find weekends also go by in a flash! which is why I usually stay up late on Sunday nights-make that weekend last a bit longer! all work is real-just the pay scale differs!
Cher, at 1/16/2006 09:31:00 AM
Great quilt top! You will accomplish your goals...I jsut KNOW it!
Laurie, at 1/16/2006 06:18:00 PM
I love Baptist Fans too - I would like to get the template but don't think I can justify it for just my quilts and those that I do for my family.
Mary Johnson, at 1/16/2006 09:10:00 PM
You will LOVE the fan template! I showed a quilt at retreat that I had quilted with it...two people at retreat want that quilted on their quilts....one I brought home from retreat for me to do right away :c) I think it will pay for itself in no time. I have the ginko too, but I don't know if I'll use it as much...I seem to freehand most things. I need to FORCE myself to remember the templates and the cool designs they can do!
Your pattern covers look great! I remember those days waiting for the printer..I ordered things printed by the 5,000. Man. that was ALOT of paper! :c) But you know what? I got very fond of how printing smelled when I opened the box :c)
Bonnie K. Hunter, at 1/17/2006 04:30:00 AM
Cool - my CW quilts are still asking for the fan quilting.... (They are also still asking to be pieced completly....)
The Calico Cat, at 1/17/2006 05:51:00 AM
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