Where Have I Been?
Whew . . a whole week with no blog updates. It isn't that I've been too busy but that I can't think of a single interesting thing to post. This would be sad except that I've had so much fun doing nothing exciting.
First of all, I'm doing my part! I've mentioned here previously that my personal goal is to use less than 3 gallons of gas per week. I filled up Thursday on my way home from Paducah so it's actually been a week and a day and here's my ticket - 2.4 gallons, which was 27 miles per gallon mostly in town. It's kind of a little game I play with myself and I was afraid I had gone over because with running around with Chad, and a trip into town that I don't usually make but I did combine everything for my own errands. Gotta love my little Honda CRV. It's a bit bigger than a Honda car and a bit (well, a good bit) smaller than an SUV but it is 4 wheel drive when I need it to be (which I don't think I've ever needed!). It's big enough that we can take a family trip in it (although it's a bit crowded with three adults, a dog, the dog crate, a sewing machine and all our other stuff!) Anyway, I'm glad I live where I live and don't have to drive much and I'm glad I drive my little Honda.
On the quilting front, I'm posting another old picture. This quilt is special to me because I made this when I was going through a pretty challenging time in my life. I made this quilt about 12 years ago while going through a divorce. I was struggling to make ends meet and didn't have any extra cash to buy fun things for myself (like fabric). Chad was about 6 and he seemed more interested in my quilting then than he does now. As we were dying our Easter eggs that year, I remembered that I had a bunch of dyes I had bought and never used so I bought some plain white fabric, chose the pattern and let Chad choose the colors to dye the fabrics. These are what he chose. Not sure if the colors show up but there's the bright yellow, the navy, a sky blue and a mint green. The pattern is Milky Way or some version thereof.
Once I finished the top, I let Chad choose the backing. He thought the top looked like the sky so he wanted the backing to look like the ground. He said it reminded him of laying on the ground looking up at the stars. Pretty good thinking for a 6 year old (not sure he could make as much sense now that he's 18!) So the backing is a fabric with pebbles/stones. He chose it . . if I were choosing something to lay on to look at the stars, it would not have been stones!
Back to the present. Aside from doing the customer quilts that were scheduled for this week, I finished one of the tops I wanted to get made for the "Do You EQ?" contest. I was all set to quilt it but didn't have a single thread to match the background. Bought three spools of Mettler cotton at Hancock's which was all they had of this particular color, which isn't exactly perfect but I don't really think three spools is enough so I ordered more. There's a Bottom Line thread that is perfect but I really wanted cotton. There's a Masterpiece that *might* work so I ordered it too. If it doesn't work, Bottom Line it will be.
Today I hope to finish the top for the third and final quilt I'm making for the contest. I can't wait to quilt it. Black background and I think I know what I'm going to do for the quilting. Black is perfect for variegated thread!
Once I get them quilted, I'll share pictures.
Enough for today . . unless I think of something really fun!
Judy L.
Glad to see a post! love the quilt and the son did a good job on choosing colors!
Peggy, at 5/05/2006 12:04:00 PM
Every week cannot be the fun and excitement of the AQS show! Still you have been busy quilting as you said. Good to see you surface though, LOL.
Linda C, at 5/05/2006 05:58:00 PM
Wow gas is more than 30 cents cheaper for you per gallon!
I love my Honda CRV too, but I have to drive about 200 miles round trip to work one day a week. I wish I could use just 3 gallons.
tami, at 5/05/2006 08:21:00 PM
$2.62 for gas? I should come to you and fill up. I have a little Volvo S40 which is good on gas, so I only fill up about every 2 weeks, unless I have a busy week driving. I paid $2.98 for gas the other day.
The quilt is great and I love the story that goes with it. Do you have that written down somewhere to be passed along with the quilt?
Carolyn, at 5/06/2006 06:02:00 AM
Gas is 3.03 here...$65 to fill my jeep, $45 to fill hubby's van. UGH!!
Pam, at 5/06/2006 07:18:00 AM
Glad you're OK!
How long have you been a quilter?
Jeanne, at 5/06/2006 10:44:00 AM
You must drive as little as I do. My son is talking about needing a new car (he's driving a 10 year old Saturn) and Keith wants to look for one too so I told my son that he could buy my Toyota if he wanted to - it's a 2003 and has 21,000 miles on it. He thought I made a mistake but no - that's 3 years old and an average of 7,000 miles per year and It's only that high because of a couple long road trips.
Mary Johnson, at 5/06/2006 07:37:00 PM
welcome back, we missed you!
The Calico Cat, at 5/08/2006 06:24:00 AM
2.69 per gallon, I hope you know how lucky you are!
The Calico Cat, at 5/08/2006 06:25:00 AM
Judy I am trying to catch up on blogs. I love that you try to use only 3 gallons per week of gas. When I was a stay at home mom I never left the house unless I had to. A friend of ours owned the local pizza place and after his wife passed away I started helping him out on Sunday evenings. He always got a kick that there were weeks that I hadn't been the 5 miles to our small town since the Sunday before. I am definately a homebody.
Laura, at 5/10/2006 09:56:00 AM
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