Practicing Feathers/Mentors
I have always loved making feathers. Like so many things, I like the ones everyone else makes more than the ones I make.
Sherry Rogers-Harrison is a fantastic longarmer! Way back when I first wanted to be a longarmer, I was on a longarm e-mail group and I sat quietly (yes, who believes that?) and read all the posts. Sometimes the other longarmers would post pictures of their work. Like most things, some were ok, some were pretty but not what I ever wanted to do, some were downright awful and . . there was Sherry. Her work just floored me and I wanted to do just exactly what she did. I'm not there yet!
Never quite knowing my limits, I decided to attach myself to her at the hip via the computer and I asked her a zillion questions. I am glad I couldn't hear what she said when she would open her e-mail and see another one from me! She was so patient and kind and helpful and I did send her some boiled peanuts for her trouble! :)
Through the years, Sherry has written books, created and sold rulers and other helpful items for longarmers. I have most of her books but her newest one is Formal Feathers 101. This is the BEST book on feathers! I received it before we went on Spring Break and kinda thumbed through it. Didn't pick it up again til this week and oh, what a great help it has been.
I've loved these curly feathers and have made them a few times but just couldn't quite get them where I wanted them to be. Thanks to Sherry and Formal Feathers 101, I think I can get them perfect! The ones I made were done with Signature cotton so when I do them with the Superior Masterpiece, they will be even more perfect. Masterpiece is a thinner thread so the spines and backtracking over the top of the feathers won't be so obvious.
So, if you like feathers and you aren't quite happy with your feathers, you must get Sherry's newest book. There are all kinds of feathers in there . . not just these curly ones. I think someone who has never made feathers will be just as thrilled with this book as I am!
Judy L.
Thanks Judy, I didn't know that Sherry had a new book out. I'll order it! I took a class with her when I first started. I bought a rope/cable template from her and have never used it...she was developing a corner piece and said she would mail it when it was done...I guess it never got done. Her work is incredible...and yours looks incredible as well!
Carolyn, at 5/06/2006 01:14:00 PM
Wow, Judy that looks absolutely gorgeous. While I have no desire to ever own a long arm machine or be a world class machine quilter, I sure can admire the work you and others in the webring are doing!
Linda C, at 5/06/2006 06:16:00 PM
looks like a wonderful book, and I love your feathers!
Cher, at 5/06/2006 06:53:00 PM
I do like feathers - I'll have to order this book. Sometimes I don't feel like the self published books are worth the money so it's nice to have a review of it before buying it.
Mary Johnson, at 5/06/2006 07:38:00 PM
Your feathers are amazing! I don't have a long arm but have tried them free-motion with my regular machine. They are not easy.
Joyce, at 5/06/2006 07:39:00 PM
I got the book a couple weeks ago and I agree it is a good book. Your feathers look marvelous!
Deb Geyer, at 5/07/2006 07:01:00 AM
How wonderful! Love your feathers, and I'll bet they are even more beautiful in person. I just can't imagine BETTER with a change in thread and more practice - though I can tell you are a perfectionist. Not being a longarm quilter, I envy your feathers!
Quiltgranny, at 5/07/2006 07:35:00 AM
Wow, Judy, I think YOUR feather look fantastic..I am so impressed tht you can get your hands and eyes to do that...just amazed! Really beautiful!
Finn, at 5/07/2006 08:13:00 AM
If that's your FIRST attempt at Sheri's feathers...WOW! Of course I am NOT surprised! You do gorgeous feathers!
Laurie, at 5/07/2006 03:04:00 PM
I was thinking about your comment that you attached yourself to Sherry's hip via computer... I was wondering if you had noticed that I have attached myself to your hip via the computer?!!!
Deb Geyer, at 5/08/2006 04:25:00 AM
love the feathers! (Did you say I can have an appointment in May/June?)
The Calico Cat, at 5/08/2006 06:26:00 AM
Oh sure - tempt me. Make me spend more $ after being at Paducah and breaking the bank! I am going to have to get this book! Thanks for the information!
Quilts And Pieces, at 5/09/2006 11:39:00 AM
oooohhh! I like! I'll have to check her books out. I'm new to this long arm (okay-I have a mid arm) and am so impressed with you longarmers can do! I love your work. I don't know Sherry or her work, but yours would rank right up there!
Passionate Quilter, at 5/09/2006 09:48:00 PM
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