Still Kicking
It's been an non-eventful week at my house. Several times I signed on to blogspot and couldn't think of a single interesting thing to report. So, here's a little rundown on what's happened so far this week.
- Whooping Cough - there's at least one case of whooping cough at Chad's high school. I still don't have the details because the note that was sent home (via students) on Monday still hasn't managed to make it home. I did call the school secretary and she told me that it basically said that we should watch our kids, be aware of the symptoms and contact our doctor if we think they are sick. Pretty informative, huh? :)
- Quilting - I've quilted three customer quilts. Two were quick, one has some really pretty feathers hope to get another one done tomorrow.
- Piecing - I've pieced a whole top this week and sewed the binding on another one
Spring break plans have changed. Looks like I'll end up with three partial days with my parents instead of the five whole days I had planned. Amazing! And, I was looking so forward to spending all the nights in one hotel .. well, after we got there. As the plans are now, we'll have one night in Jackson, one night in Lake Charles, three nights in Lafayette, one night in Lake Charles, one night in Memphis. Maybe I'll just make a trip back this summer . . alone.
See why I haven't posted . . there's NOTHING interesting happening here!
Come on, Judy, nothing interesting happening in your house? And what about all those things you are writting about? I am amazed, you are so productive! three customer quilts and piecing another couple of tops? I want to see the photos! :o)
I do enjoy your blog...
Alena, at 3/09/2006 10:38:00 PM
Your week has been much more interesting than mine...I've been ripping out an entire customer quilt because I didn't like the way the back looked. Not making any money on THIS job!!!
Carolyn, at 3/10/2006 04:30:00 AM
Oh, gosh, sounds like those plans need to be tweeked a bit!!! You need more time with your parents! Did you ever ask your Mom to make bisque?
Judy, you get more done in a day than any person I know. With all that quilting, it sounds as though your week was full of events!!
Vicky, at 3/10/2006 12:06:00 PM
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