Happy Anniversary!
August 1 is our wedding anniversary - 9 years! Vince and I are so much alike in so many ways but so different in so many ways. Together, I think we make a fine pair! No doubt, I'm a better person due to Vince being in my life. Not sure Vince can say the same thing. He's the kind of person who carefully plans out every major decision, will make lists of positives/negatives, and really ponders his decisions. A thought runs through my head and I'm off and running . . never stopping to think. If Vince were a quilter, he would know exactly how much fabric he needed before he started a quilt, he would know exactly how he was going to quilt it before he ever started piecing. I start quilts, having no idea how much fabric I'll need and then run out and have to scurry to find more.
Vince is a wonderful, caring, kind husband and he would do anything (within reason) to make me happy. He's so darned honest! I don't think he would even tell a little white lie!
And, that brings me to another point. Remember last week I was talking about how he drags me up and down the aisles of every store and my plan was to visit the jewelry counter in hopes that if I started costing him more $, he'd leave me at home.
Saturday we decided to go out to lunch. That was fine. Then he decided we should go to the new Best Buy but first, let's go to T. J. Max! Oh, great .. they have a jewelry counter. We walked in and I said "I want to look at the jewelry". Vince said "JEWELRY? What do you need?" What I really need is to never have to enter a retail shop again. I knew if I said I wanted a diamond ring or necklace, he would think I'd lost my mind. I don't even wear my wedding ring because I never wear jewelry (and I've gained too much weight and it's too tight!) My gold hoop ear rings really are bent and I could use more so I said "I need new gold hoops!" I honestly couldn't go to the jewelry counter and keep a straight face so we wandered to the back of the store. Then we went to Best Buy and I mentioned that I need a new speaker setup for the Ipod to keep in the front of the house. Oh . . no problem! He has one at home that he's never used because he's never used the Ipod so he'll bring that to me.
Later that night he sent me an e-mail with a link to . . gold ear rings! He had gone home and gone through all kinds of jewelry stores online and found good ear rings for me to look at and pick which ones I wanted. OMG! I don't want new ear rings! I just want to never go shopping again!
Today I had to admit to him that I had created a scheme to stay out of the shops, I did not want ear rings and I told him the whole story and read him my earlier blog entry.
Certainly not an issue now since I am apparently having plumbing repairs and air conditioner repairs done tomorrow and that is the best anniversary gift I can think of right now!
Even though Vince never reads my blog (or he would have known about the jewelry plan!), Happy Anniversary and I hope we have many happy years together!
9 years - Happy Anniversary and best wishes for many, many more!
Darlene, at 7/31/2006 09:24:00 PM
I love your story! Too bad you were foiled by such a nice husband--he went to great lengths to find a source of those earrings! *LOL* Happy Anniversary! I agree with you--get the air conditioning fixed and the plumbing repaired and you will be much happier than if you were wearing those gold hoop earrings in the heat with a flooded bathroom!
Silverthimble, at 7/31/2006 10:26:00 PM
Happy Anniversary to you - and many more to come :-)
Hanne, at 7/31/2006 11:13:00 PM
Happy Anniversary - you made me chuckle with your thwarted plan - what a nice guy
Unknown, at 8/01/2006 01:30:00 AM
Happy Anniversary! Your Vince sounds like my Mike. Gotta love 'em.
I agree-right now the plumbing and a/c are priorities. Heat index here is supposed to go to 110 today.
Eileen, at 8/01/2006 03:44:00 AM
Happy Anniversary, Judy. Here's to the next 99!
Vicky, at 8/01/2006 04:46:00 AM
sometimes with men its easiest and fastest to just spell out what you want huh? Maybe your b'day igft could be a set amount of time without having to shop???
quiltpixie, at 8/01/2006 05:39:00 AM
LOL! My DH would have done the same thing if he thought I wanted something. I mentioned a breadmachine yesterday and 5 minutes later I happen to glance at his computer screen as I walked by and he was researching bread machines!
Happy Anniversary.
Nancy, at 8/01/2006 05:44:00 AM
Happy anniversary. Good thing you don't wear diamonds because the plumbing and AC will probably cost more than diamonds. I speak from experience.
Joyce, at 8/01/2006 05:45:00 AM
Happy Anniversary today and many many years to come.
Libby, at 8/01/2006 07:07:00 AM
You're so funny, Judy! I love that Vince hadn't a clue about your scheme!
So which ones did you choose? lol
Darcie, at 8/01/2006 07:08:00 AM
Happy Anniversary! Nice to know there are still lots of great guys out there...I've got one, too! He's ready to buy me a machine quilting frame once I figure out which one will work best for me.
Unknown, at 8/01/2006 07:43:00 AM
Happy anniversary! Well, what did Vince say when you told him how you feel? Did he say he wouldn't make you go shopping with him anymore? OR at least not as often?
Laurie Ann, at 8/01/2006 09:06:00 AM
Happy Anniversary Judy!! It's so nice when you meet the person you are meant to be with and really like each other!!
Judy, at 8/01/2006 09:29:00 AM
Happy Anniversary!
Laura, at 8/01/2006 09:42:00 AM
Judy! Thanks for making my day! I laughed and laughed at your plan! Happy Anniversary!
Maureen and P.D. the Pet Dog, at 8/01/2006 10:32:00 AM
Happy Anniversary! Hope you have many, many more happy years together.
Sweet P, at 8/01/2006 04:01:00 PM
Judy, i never would have guessed ouyr anniversaries our so close! The Hubby and I were 7 years on 7/31!! Happy anniverrsary to you :-)
Anonymous, at 8/05/2006 12:00:00 PM
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