Dependable Appliances - NOT!
Does anyone have appliances that actually work and last as long as you think they should?
Wouldn't an ice maker seem like a simple enough part of the fridge? This fridge isn't a fancy smancy one but goodness . . it's just an ice maker. We needed a basic fridge when we bought this house 4 years ago. We bought a Roper. The ice maker has been worked on once, replaced once and is barely cranking out ice now. It says to allow 48 hours for the ice bin to fill. I don't think it would fill in 48 days. I refuse to dump ice trays because (1) I am the only one who would do the dumping and filling and (2) This is the onlyl freezer I have in this house and I need every square inch of it for other stuff. I just want the ice maker to work but apparently that is never going to happen.
The dryer - I had told Vince a few weeks ago that I didn't think it was drying. Oh, how I wish I could just have a clothes line at this house. He made sure the outside filter thing wasn't clogged. OK, maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm impatient. But, while mom was here, the one day I was sick and went to bed, she decided to do laundry and she told me "I'd get rid of this dryer today if it was mine!" So, dad and Vince took it all apart, checked the heating element and whatever else they could find and there's nothing wrong with it. So, is a Whirlpool top of the line dryer supposed to take 3 cycles to dry an average size load of towels? NO!! And, the dryer is 4 years old and it has been repaired twice! Vince changed the thermostat in it yesterday and we'll see if that fixes the problem.
The dishwasher - We finally gave up and washed dishes by hand because we would start to unpack it and half the dishes were still dirty. It's almost 2 years old, a G.E. and hasn't been worked on yet but the dishes sometimes seem worse after the dishwasher is finished than before.
The microwave - The kitchen is so tiny and there's no place to put a microwave so for a while, we had one out in the garage. Then about 2 years ago, Vince took out the stove vent and put in one of the microwaves with the vent above the stove. It didn't work long. The door is cracked and you have to hold your mouth just right to get it to work. Sometimes it just comes on by itself . . for no reason. It isn't actually microwaving when it does that but it sounds like it is.
This morning we had enough. Went back to Home Depot and bought a new dishwasher and a new microwave. Vince is going to be gone for most of the next few weeks so they won't be delivered til June 16 but at least I know something better is coming soon! Maytag dishwasher, which the Home Depot lady said was one of their best ones and a GE Spacesaver microwave. Not a big Maytag or GE fan but hopefully they'll be better than what I currently lhave.
Thank goodness for my Bernina sewing machine and the APQS longarm because they work!
Judy L.
I'm surprised nobody has commented on this one. I had a dryer that was taking forever (hours and hours) to dry...we figured it was the heat relay. Called a repair place and they said it was $86 to come out. Well, I assumed (roll eyes) that applied to the repair bill. NOT! $180+ later, we have a washer that works, but still doesn't have a "low" cycle. I so wish we had just bought new! Now the washer is leaking. I don't think it's getting repaired.
I hate my vacuum cleaner. Every single time I use it, something goes wrong! When we bought it, we researched first, and this one was well reviewed enough for the saleslady to comment on the increased business. Well, *phhtt* to that!
However, my microwave is probably 20 years old, and not as powerful as newer ones, but still working!
Anonymous, at 5/30/2006 05:58:00 PM
Just read about your new Maytag dishwasher -- I own one and wouldn't want any other brand. It's awesome, easy to use, reliable, and energy efficient. I've had it five years and never once had to call the repairman. Trust me, in a few weeks you're gonna wonder how you ever put up with any other brand.
Anonymous, at 6/06/2006 11:22:00 PM
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