This and That
Nothing exciting to report but I didn't want anyone to think I was being too quiet! :)
- I miss my laptop terribly. It's inconvenient for me to sit down at the computer (sounds pretty pathetic I know). Vince called Office Depot because it's been 11 days since they were supposed to be sending the box for my computer to be shipped back and they have no record that they were supposed to send a box!! So . . the laptop with the fried hard drive sits here and waits!
- Tina's Quilt - I figured out what I was supposed to be doing! It was the pattern I had thought it was but apparently I hadn't figured the yardage when I bought the fabric because I bought 4 yards of 4 fabrics. As my luck would have it, I needed 4-3/4 yard of one of the fabrics, only 3/4 yard of two of the fabrics and 2-1/4 yards of the 4th fabric. Made a few changes and it will work but I'll have a ton of fabric left over. That's ok though because I have another quilt to make for a friend. I have the perfect backing fabric and the leftovers from Tina's quilt area good start toward the second quilt.
- Chad goes back to school tomorrow so it will be the first day I've been home alone in 2 weeks! I have a quilt for a customer loaded and will get started on it tomorrow.
- Finished the quilting on the second heart quilt and got the binding added. Just have to do the handwork on the binding on both quilts but I work on that on weekends when Vince is here. It will be sometime in early February before I have to send them off so I have plenty of time.
That's about it from my little part of Kentucky! I'm loving reading all your blogs and keeping up with what you're all doing. You're a great inspiration!
I miss your laptop too! I hope things get taken care of QUICKLY now!
Enjoy having your house to yourself tomorrow...i'm a couple of weeks away from that yet!
Laurie, at 1/03/2006 08:10:00 PM
Sounds like you have been busy and plan to keep busy !
I have never used a laptop which is probably a good thing as I would no doubt try to hang it around my neck and keep it with me wherever I went.
Patty, at 1/03/2006 08:32:00 PM
Laurie, think how much more we're getting done since we can't chat!
Patti, it's just so convenient to take a quick break on the sofa, prop my feet up and check mail or write a quick note. I keep the laptop on the cutting table when I'm quilting and can make changes to patterns or EQ files. I take it to the kitchen with me if I'm following a recipe I haven't printed. My laptop is a Compaq and I got one with a larger screen for the graphics and it's kinda heavy or I would probably hang it around my neck. The one my husband uses for work is very light and would make a great appendage!
Granny, at 1/03/2006 09:03:00 PM
Judy, I can't wait to see your new quilt and the fact that you will get 2 quilts out of the same fabric??? What a bonus! You must be a very good shopper! :o)
I've been trying not to buy a yarn dyed plaid from Big Horn Quilts that would make a very cool applique background. I'm not sure if I'll succeed...gotta love that site!
Carolyn, at 1/04/2006 05:13:00 AM
Hi Judy, Hope you get your laptop back soon. I love mine. It's a Compaq too. I have it set up on a rolling laptop table and it mostly lives beside my recliner in the living room. But I also take it to the cutting table when I'm working up a pattern in EQ and into the kitchen when I'm working on a recipe. Like yours mine is pretty heavy. Much heavier than the Gateway I had before. Now David had a dr. a few months ago who has one of those small laptops that he carries around as he sees patients. As he's talking to you he's making his notes on the computer. When he finishes he saves and prints and when you go out to pay there his notes are waiting for you along with the bill. It's actually a pretty cool setup cause he can get his notes down while they're still fresh in his mind and it's READABLE. LOL!
Nancy, at 1/04/2006 06:58:00 AM
How utterly frustrating when they don't rememebr you're waiting for them to provide the box so they can fix your computer... unfortunately not so unusual either. Hope it gets to you quickly and the computer fix doesn't take too long.
quiltpixie, at 1/04/2006 07:47:00 AM
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