Stash Quilt vs. Scrap Quilt
Those of you who are scrap quilters will probably laugh at me but I'll admit this anyway. Today, for the first time, as I really began to look at my stash, I realized that there is a difference in stash quilts and scrap quilts. Almost every quilt I've ever made has been planned - 3 yards of this, 5 yards of that, 2 yards of another. I attended a guild workshop once where we were making a scrap quilt. They told us to put all the squares in 2 bags - background fabric in one bag and all the other squares in another bag. We were to pull out a square without looking and could only put it back if the square was the same as a square it would be next to. Thank goodness I had a kidney stone that day and got to work on mine at home. Not sure if you can tell from the picture but I used the same background through the whole quilt and all my other "scraps" are Moda Marbles! Everyone else's quilt was truly scrappy and even though I quilted quite a few for the guild members, I never showed them mine!
This morning I awoke all anxious to get started on the scrap/stash quilt for our little "sew for an hour" project. I was using the scrap and stash words interchangeably. While it's purely a matter of semantics and it really doesn't matter to me what my quilts are called, I've decided (probably something the rest of you already know) that when I am able to pull a square out of a bag and use it regardless of whether it really "goes" there or not, that's a scrap quilt. When I piece like my grandmother pieced, using anything and everything, that's a scrap quilt.
When I go to my stash and pull out the perfect pieces and fuss and obsess about color, scale of print, value, that's a stash quilt.
When I go to the quilt shop and buy all new fabric, that's a .. not gonna happen quilt! At least it's not gonna happen during the month of August!
So, I have that settled in my mind. I pulled fabric from my stash to begin working on the first "sew for an hour" project. My quilt is going to be a stash quilt but it will be a real easy quilt to make into a scrap quilt. Since this isn't a mystery and you'll see what the quilt looks like, you'll be able to pick the fabrics you want to use. It really is an easy quilt!
I sorted my fabric into light/medium/dark stacks. My lights are real light and I kept them light because my border isn't very dark. It's all relative, right? I'm really having fun working out of the stash but I'm making a huge mess!
For those on the fabric diet during August, has anyone slipped up yet and bought fabric? We're 1/10th through the month of August. Hope you're all doing great!
Judy L.
I have been thinking about this the whole day! I had to check back to see if you had posted more!
I think, at least right now, I am going to approach this as a scrap quilt. I don't think I have enough of fabric to try and coordinate a color scheme. So scrappy might be the best way to go for me.
I'll be checking back! This is exciting!
Unknown, at 8/03/2006 09:48:00 PM
Judy, I look forward to this first project. No I have not slipped. I have been in the fabric store, looked at the rems, thank God there wasn't anything that caught my eye, didn't purchase a thing. I was thinking tonight while working on the cancer quilt I was going to have to buckle and buy some fabric for the border but I used some fabric I had purchased for another project that I probably would not have used there anyway. Things are going to be fine. I am going to widdle down my stash and save $$ for a California trip later in the fall.
dot, at 8/03/2006 09:51:00 PM
You have hit the nail on the head in describing the difference between a scrap quilt and a stash quilt. I don't have as many issues making scrap quilts as you I guess because my stash consists of many smaller pieces - max. 2 meters in length (and 2 meters would be rare). I am glad your hour-a-day patterns will accommodate both stashers and scrappers.
Silverthimble, at 8/03/2006 10:53:00 PM
What a great way to describe it! That scrap/stash quilt turned out great! You did a really good job. I need to get started on using my little scraps and make something. Right now it's only one tub though so I don't know how big that quilt could be. We shall see! ;)
BTW, when is the next round of invites going out for Stash Quilters?
just jenn, at 8/03/2006 11:51:00 PM
Oh good- a hint at what is to come! Please keep posting about this, the anticipation is wonderful.
Gail, at 8/04/2006 04:21:00 AM
When I look at my fabric, I don't have a lot of lights. The first thought that entered my mind was "oh I'll have to get some". Then I remembered it's August. Whew, this could be harder than I thought. But-so far so good.
Eileen, at 8/04/2006 04:34:00 AM
Its good to see your fabric choices... So much of my fabrics are medium that I need white or black to get a 3 value system going - & I'm o.k. with that! (& I've got those bases covered in fat quarters.)
The Calico Cat, at 8/04/2006 04:59:00 AM
I'm SO ready for this quilt! I've got scraps, I've got stash, I've got motivation, and now you've given me inspiration!
Your definitions are right on! But what's funny is just at the time when I need to reduce stash, I've become obsessed with scrap quilts! Go figure! LOL
Vicky, at 8/04/2006 05:51:00 AM
wonderful distinction between scrap and stash quilt. Its how I've understood it, but its a clear summary of an idea that just rattles around for me :-)
quiltpixie, at 8/04/2006 05:59:00 AM
The thing I like about random scrap quilting is that often you find a combination that looks great but that you would have never tried because you didn't think the two fabrics would go together. I find it is a great way to learn about color combinations. I am in the middle of a leadersa and enders Double Irish Chain and I think I have learned a lot about color.
Joyce, at 8/04/2006 06:22:00 AM
The anticipation grows!
Bonnie, at 8/04/2006 08:13:00 AM
Lights and darks I have - not sure about the mediums. I tend to work in scrappy two color quilts or scrappy lights and darks. This might be a growth opportunity for me!
Mary Johnson, at 8/04/2006 09:36:00 AM
I love your distinction between stash and scrap. you hit the nail on the head. looking forward to seeing more.
McIrish Annie, at 8/04/2006 11:46:00 AM
I totally agree with your ideas. They are completley different things and I have made both scrap and stash quilts! I still have a hard time using "whatever" comes out of the bag. I still like to make sure that even with scraps, they somewhat compliment each other a bit.
Judy, at 8/04/2006 12:20:00 PM
I love making scrap quilts but have real problems sorting out values...I have a blue and white quilt that is still not finished since it is obvious that the pattern is not showing up, it's a real mish-mash. Lately, I bought one of those red/green things that you look through to sort out value (brain-freeze on the proper name for it!!!) This should be a good project to try it out with!!!
Anonymous, at 8/04/2006 05:27:00 PM
i cannot wait to see what you come up with Judy, you are so incrediably creative.
Patty, at 8/04/2006 06:22:00 PM
Those are great definitions Judy. I personally never thought of a stash quilt as anything other than a scrap quilt. I'd always be toop afraid that I would run out of the particular fabric I wanted.
In a true scrappy quilt, by the way, Gwen Marston said that even if you pull two of the same fabric out of the bag, you have to sew them together.
I've seen lots of books (Judy Martin for example) that use a very planned scrappy approach. Instead of using any fabric at random, they have a plan - all blues for example. Just as you have in your picture, you have three categories of fabric - light medium and dark. Now wherever you want a light, you can just use any of those fabric and your quilt will look great.
A scrap quilt is a great way to use up your stash because if you run out of a fabric, you can add another fabric to the mix and still make it work.
Shelina, at 8/05/2006 08:07:00 AM
love the fabrics you have chosen - can't wait to see the quilt emerge
Juliann in WA, at 8/05/2006 10:41:00 AM
You know, I don't think I've EVER heard anybody say before, "Thank goodness I had a kidney stone that day..." lol
Funny what quilting will do to your outlook on kidney stones!
ForestJane, at 8/06/2006 02:33:00 AM
Your Stars and Chains is beautiful! I had the first one you quilted for me in our quilt show, again. The last one you quilted for me is on my bed. Both are gorgeous. I'm glad you had fun at the workshop. I forgot I had everyone put them in a sack! Some people didn't like doing that. They wanted to be in control.
Anonymous, at 8/10/2006 08:08:00 PM
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